Saturday, January 31, 2009

what's in a name...........

I had decided a long time back what my first blog post would be.............the trials and tribulations of a misunderstood, misspelt and mispronounced name! Whew! think I'm exaggerating?? well read on.......... difficult is the name?? Unusual-yes, but unheard of -I don't think so. I have met quite a few Ruchiras myself(4 to be exact)........and even after being simplified to ruchi by family and friends, if someone calls you the age of 3!.......well what can I say....!!
I survived through school with accented versions of my name like ruchi-e-ra and rooh-chira and the wrongly suffixed ones like ruchi-ka, ruchi-ta, ruchi-la and ruchi-sa!! Oh ya and my English pen pal found the name so tedious that she made it just Ru.......!!
Come the age of cell phones and the horror begins at the daily, hourly basis........."hello, may I speak with Miss Rachna please".........."with Miss Richa please"............"with Miss Roopika please"...."with miss ruchi-ka-ta-la"(these once are not region specific but nation wide).... I was seriously considering a caller tune....."this is ruchira R-U-C-H-I-R-A"....................
And when I thought that I had heard them all, I shifted to Bangalore from the Delhi and I found a whole new world waiting for me..........From clients to consultants to contractors, everyone has their own interpretations-so while its Rakshita to one, its Ruchitra to another and Recha to yet another.........Ruch-eee-ra for many, the latest being -Ruchi rao!!!!!!! shit man !!!!! how hard can it get? everyday is new day for my name.........ruchira (feels good when I hear it correctly in my mind.)